Conception, Birth & Beyond with Kinesiology
I’m a mum of two, a girl (16) and a boy (12). I look back at my pregnancies and births and feel blessed that both were uncomplicated albeit 10 days overdue and resulted in two healthy kids. And my hubby & I remained reasonably sane throughout!
But now as a Kinesiologist, I can see how this holistic therapy could have supported my physical and emotional health through not only my pregnancies but the birth process and beyond.
Kinesiology can support the whole family
Kinesiology is a natural therapy. It melds Western techniques and Eastern traditions to promote physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. It empowers your body’s own healing ability. This is achieved with the use of gentle muscle-monitoring (bio-feedback) and a dose of intuition, to identify where your body is holding stress, limiting beliefs, stagnation and pain. The use of tools such as oils, sound, colour and crystals enhance each session.
During pregnancy, the birth process and afterwards, women (and men) are often at a very vulnerable state. Mum’s hormones can be all over the place. Emotions and exhaustion can be hitting the whole family. Existing kids may display changes in their behaviour.
Kinesiology can explore the physical, emotional and mental “triggers” and find what you need to approach this stage of life in the best possible way.
Many couples struggle with becoming pregnant. Stress builds, you may question “is it me?”. Your relationship gets strained and your finances may be hit hard with cycles of IVF. Physical factors are often high on the list to explain the “why”.
However, underlying emotional or even energetic reason could be affecting your ability to conceive. Kinesiology is a great way to address these as we can work with your:
· Stress levels and nervous system
· Beliefs and internal dialogue
· Past or family history
· Hormones and endocrine system
· Breath and relaxation techniques
· Chakra system – a series of energetic centres within our bodies
Through the use of structural assessments, understanding the biochemical condition of the body, a safe counselling approach, using acupressure points (except the forbidden acu-points which are not used during certain trimesters or at all) or even relaxing the whole system with pregnancy-safe oils or crystals, Kinesiology is a completely safe and non-invasive approach to addressing your pregnancy or attempts to conceive.
The Impending Birth:
As you approach the birth, anxiety can rise. Increased stress can impact your mental and physical state. Maintaining a calm interior and exterior, getting quality sleep and eating healthy is important. Likewise knowing how to breath, relax and taking time for yourself will support you, the baby, and your family.
Kinesiology can create options for your whole family to work through their beliefs, behaviours and challenges or even childhood fears, so you are better equipped to cope with the birth and beyond. For example;
· Reducing morning sickness by holding the #1 acupressure point for nausea
· Support you in your new role from employee to mum
· Relieving your partner’s stress or guilt at having to return to work
· Helping you to know “I can do this!”
· Support your existing kids to their place in the family is not being threatened.
These issues may appear small and can pass by unnoticed, but they can also linger and build anxiety, resentment and impact negatively on the family unit.
Kinesiology gently approaches these with all members of a family. Think of it as getting the whole family on the same page in the same chapter of the same book as it works across many levels.
Beyond the Euphoria of Birth:
You’ve just built a human inside you and released that little crying, sleeping, eating machine into the world. You and your family have felt unconditional love, maybe for the first time. What a spinout but also what a huge sense of responsibility, joy and uncertainty.
But with this comes the sleepless nights, body aches, baby blues, and dysfunctional thoughts. Your confidence could be waning just as your partner returns to their job, family and friend visits have ceased and your left at home with no one to talk to, in your pjs all day, feeling inadequate, in pain or totally overwhelmed….and you can’t think straight to even make a healthy sandwich. This may not be true for everyone. We are all different and our strengths, beliefs, challenges and abilities are varied. That’s why kinesiology is so helpful.
Making kinesiology fun with my young client
I’ve used broad techniques of kinesiology in many situations such as with babies that struggle to sleep, mums who are exhausted and doubt themselves, Dads who feel unsure of their role, siblings who feel threatened by the baby or take a backward step in their own development.
The capacity at which kinesiology can make a difference in your life is huge and varied but one thing is for sure every member of your family can be supported and benefit from its gentle, nurturing approach, from conception to adulthood.
Has this triggered any questions or emotions? If you’d like to know more about how kinesiology can support you or your family, please get in touch.
From my heart to yours
Zoe Jack
Zode Kinesiology