The Power of a Retreat
When was the last time you truly paused?
Not just a fleeting moment between tasks, not just a deep breath before responding to yet another demand - but a sacred, uninterrupted pause just for you?
Life moves fast. As women, we carry so much responsibilities, expectations, the unseen weight of others’ needs. We pour ourselves into our families, our work, our communities. We show up, we give, we nurture. But when do we replenish? When do we pour back into ourselves?
A retreat is not an indulgence. It is a necessity. It is a homecoming to yourself.
Taking time out is not selfish - it is sacred.
The Power of Kinesiology
About 12 months ago, I was graduating from the Shamanic Academy (now Sacred Oaks Academy). One of my fellow students asked if I would do a podcast with her. I had no real idea about this but I jumped in with both feet and we spoke all about my experiences with kinesiology, how I go into it and we went pretty deep at times.
About a year later, I decided to click onto my friends You Tube channel. She has held podcasts with loads of people. But I was amazed to see that the Power of Kinesiology had amounted 1K views - WOW!
So I thought I would share it here via her you tube channel.
The Importance of a Father Figure
Did you know it is RUOK DAY today? The theme is "I am here to hear". So, RUOK?
Grab a cuppa and read this short blog and then click the link below to head over to my You Tube page to watch my "not so perfect" but very real talk about
"The Importance of a Father Figure".
This talk was also published as an article in the Australian Kinesiology Association’s In Touch Magazine (Issue #152, Summer 2024)
The Pelvic Bowl of Creation
Our latest blog explains the contents of my Pelvic Bowl - not what you initially think!!
A great informative read nonetheless...and, it appeared in the Australian Kinesiology Association's In Touch Magazine
(Spring 2024 issue).
Hope you enjoy this read and maybe you will be inspired to create your own pelvic bowl of inspiration.
Unlock Your Potential with Zoe: A Journey to Wellness, Connection and Empowerment
Our new blogs talks about the offerings in 2024. Hope you enjoy this easy read; Unlock Your Potential with Zode Kinesiology: A Journey to Wellness, Connection and Empowerment.
Kids and Kinesiology - Trust is Key
…Kid’s often find it hard to express themselves. They simply don’t have the language development or the awareness of what is happening. But they are also like little sponges and often don’t have the emotional baggage that adults have. Using Kinesiology can be an effective and gentle way to help kids with BIG emotions and behaviours, sometimes in a single session.
A lesson in TRUST.….and how I manifested $11K
May 2022 has been A-MAY-ZING for me…... After the AWAKEN weekend, I had significant shifts in my awareness around TRUST and I began to open more to energies. Things just started happening. The final integration session for the weekend workshop was while I had a client…..Yep. In 3 hours, I had manifested $11,000.
What makes me wake up at night?
Many of my clients come to see me because they feel tired and say their sleep is disturbed, often causing them to wake up around the same time every night. Using Kinesiology and Traditional Chinese Medicine, the meridians and psychology we can begin to work out what is behind the time you wake up and then work to bring homeostasis back into your life.
Connect Heart ~ The Taste of Gratitude ~ A Women's Circle
Are you ready to join women in circle and step into You? Join us in a free flowing connection to your heart and embrace our light together. Join us on 5 May at Little Bay NSW from 6.30pm to 8.30pm in this Women Circle.
Crystal Clarity - The basics of crystals for teens and adults
ONLINE WORKSHOP - Sat 5th Feb 2022, 6pm - 8pm. Tickets On Sale. Learn about Liquid and Hard form Crystals, how to use them, clean, program and care for them. Find your Liquid Crystal the month. And more BOOK NOW Link below
Find your Mojo. Create a Space. Build an Alter
…Each item has its own story of significance, each piece representing family. The combined whole creating a sense of grounding, support, and connection – her place in the world. It is a place where she rests her eyes allowing herself to feel her heart and connect to her own creativity. A place to create focus and intention. Like an Alter…
The Music Changes and my Kinesiology Career starts
When I say Dance Class - don’t think ballet, hip hop, tango or classical. No this was in a large darkened hall, a circular “alter” in the middle, fruit, crystals, cards and candles adorned this centrepiece. Tribal beats, hypnotic sounds and intoxicating smells. Totally unaware of what was going to happen, but in total trust and willingness. And a Poem Rose From Me…..The start of my Kinesiology Career.
Anxiety - What is it and 8 Tips to Manage it
I have noticed more people these days saying “I am feeling anxious. My anxiety is through the roof. I can’t manage it anymore”. Anxiety is a big topic for kids and adults. In our latest blog I look at the signs and symptoms and offer my 8 Top Tips on managing anxiety.
Do You Pray? Do You Listen?
Do you Pray? Do You Listen? Seeing the magical around us can create awareness and new routines. Believing its possible is half the fun. An out of the square Blog!
The Pendulum Swings - COMPLETED
Ever wondered how people use a pendulum? Have you seen one swing in a wide circle and then in front of your eyes it changes direction to move from left to right? Join me at Zode Kinesiology’s next workshop and learn the basics of using a pendulum for your own clarity. Plus join our Facebook group "CREATE HEART" and get an extra bonus!
11 Tools to Release your Hurting Heart
If you are anything like me, you will remember times in your life when you truly felt happy. Childhood days of playing in the fields or beaches. Laughing with pure pleasure. But equally, you may be able to identify moments which have closed your heart. These tools can help release your hurting heart.
5 Tips for Improved Sleep
Sleep is the cornerstone of health. It is when our bodies regenerate and our mind rests…. Our conscious mind relaxes and opens our subconscious to have a go at guiding our souls through this thing we call life.
Transition Times ~ How to Cope
We all experience change. Bu its how we respond to the triggers associated with change that that can see us moving through the process smoothly or falling down in a heap wondering what to do next. This next blog outlines some timely tips to support you and your family to move through transition times such as starting school, changing a relationship or moving through trauma….
Conception, Birth & Beyond with Kinesiology
The capacity at which kinesiology can make a difference in your life is huge and varied but one thing is for sure every member of your family can be supported and benefit from its gentle, nurturing approach, from conception to adulthood. Read on to see how Kinesiology can support you from conception to birth and beyond.
Holding a Space
It is not uncommon to be called upon to support friends or loved ones through difficult times. This is quite easy to understand and action when the request for help may be to cook a meal, take your friend to an appointment or making phone calls. But what happens when someone simply needs us to be there. Zode Kinesiology’s latest blog looks at what it is to “Hold A Space”.