Kinesiology, Mental Health, Anxiety Zoe Jack Kinesiology, Mental Health, Anxiety Zoe Jack

Anxiety Busters – My 8 Top Tips

Almost everyone I have spoken to has displayed some level of anxiety which manifests in their work, home, relationships or within themselves. It does not seem to be selective and it is affecting adults, teens, and kids, males and females in equally high proportions.

At a recent networking event I was talking to other professionals and therapists with many saying their clients arrive at their clinic exhausted due to poor sleep, frustrated and a lowered immunity.

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Kinesiology, Sleep, Babies Zoe Jack Kinesiology, Sleep, Babies Zoe Jack

Hush Little Baby

This week, at Zode Kinesiology, I had a wonderful session with my youngest client, four month old Reegan….

The reason her mum bought her to see me was to see if things were as they should be. She also mentioned that Reegan was not sleeping through the day.

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Zoe Jack Zoe Jack

Random Acts of Kindness

Have you ever been on the receiving end of a Random Act of Kindness?  You know, when someone does something nice out of the blue or says something that simply fills you with warmth and joy. I had this very experience recently and it got me thinking.

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Death Becomes Us All

Dad was a Yorkshireman. Generous, wise and a gentle adventurer. He was blessed with a life well lived. But on 28th July 2017 he peacefully passed away. Surrounded by three generations. Each in our own way saying thank you and goodbye with a silent cheer of his favourite brandy. This moment confirming my path of connecting to people deeply and supporting them on their healing journey.

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Kinesiology, Food for Thought Zoe Jack Kinesiology, Food for Thought Zoe Jack

Pause Power

I’ve been thinking about this phrase lately, “To Pause or Not to Pause”. If you’re anything like most mums, you may well be feeling like life is outta control. Way too much to do. Way too little time. And an oversupply of people calling on mum to fix things, drive somewhere, make something, be someone….and so on. But how do we give ourselves guilt-free time to Pause and Replenish?

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Zoe Jack Zoe Jack

About Zode Kinesiology

Zode Kinesiology is a natural therapy clinic operating in Maroubra in Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs. It is safe and nurturing, where you will be heard, held in a space and understood. You may laugh, cry, get light bulb moments or feel energy flowing through your body.

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Kinesiology, Acupressure, Workshop Zoe Jack Kinesiology, Acupressure, Workshop Zoe Jack

Acupressure at Home

Acupressure is a safe, gentle way of delving into your pain, stress, stagnation and illnesses.At a recent workshop held by Zode Kinesiology we explored 10 of the best points to do this. Participants learnt how to feel the energy and hold points. They experienced the calm that it can bring. There will be another workshop in 2019 so don’t worry if you missed out.

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Kinesiology Zoe Jack Kinesiology Zoe Jack


Have your heard about Kinesiology but you’re not sure what it is? Maybe your curious about how it can support your health and well-being? Read on or keep an eye out for our next workshop or Free Information Talk.

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