Recently I posted a poll on social media about why people would choose to see a Kinesiologist. I decided to do this because when I met people and they asked what I did for a job, I would reply “I’m a Kinesiologist”.
Invariably, their next question would be either “What’s that?” or “Kin-easy-what?”
In my poll I asked if the main reason someone would visit a kinesiologist would be due to physical or emotional pain. Maybe a belief pattern that limits them or a mental issue such as brain fog or learning difficulties. I even touched on whether a choice to see a Kinesiologist was to balance their chakras or energy systems.
Muscle Monitoring in action using the muscle “Anterior Deltoid”
My last question in the poll was “I don’t know what a Kinesiologist is”.
Fifty percent of respondents ticked this item. To be honest I was not all that surprised. Although Kinesiology is a growing market in the natural therapy world, it is still fairly unknown and if people have heard of it, they may have never experienced it.
And trust me, experiencing Kinesiology gives a much better understanding of what it does and how it can help you.
I am member of the peak body; The Australian Kinesiology Association. Their definition of kinesiology is:
Kinesiology encompasses holistic health disciplines which use the gentle art of muscle monitoring to access information about a person’s well being. Originating in the 1970’s, it combines Western techniques and Eastern wisdom to promote physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. Kinesiology identifies the elements which inhibit the body’s natural internal energies and accessing the life enhancing potential within the individual."(Definition approved by the Australian Kinesiology Association 1999.)
Kinesiology is NOT healing, diagnosing or treating. It is also NOT a magic cure that will cure you of all ills. Some illnesses or pain took years for you to create so it’s unlikely it will disappear after one session!
I like to think of Kinesiology as a combination of Eastern and Western techniques that supports the body, mind and spirit to balance so it can shift stagnation, illness and pain. The client is the one who does all the work. The Kinesiologist facilitates the process. And yes, the movement of energy is a big part of the process. After all, everything is energy and ultimately You Heal You.
Ben Mailo
explains Kinesiology
Ben Mailo looked at this most mysterious forms of Energy Medicine - Kinesiology - and how it can literally hack into your subconscious to help you heal from the most deep seated physical , emotional and spiritual pain.
You can click on the link here to access the video.
When I experienced Kinesiology for the first time I had such a profound all-of-body experience that I ended up leaving my job and studying to become a Kinesiologist. You can read about my story here.
So all up my experience of kinesiology, my poll on social media and writing this, my first blog, I have decided that more people could benefit from Kinesiology. They just need to know a little bit about it and how it can help. So you know the very basics here but it may have sparked an interest to know more.
I will be running a FREE Information Talk in late February in Maroubra. This will be fun, interactive and you’ll gain more of an understanding of how kinesiology can support you to improve your health and well-being.
The date is just being confirmed but you will be able to find out more soon on my website at or via my facebook page. Of course I am reliably responsive so you can always contact me via email: or like the old days….call me on 0414 566 456.
As I mentioned this is my first blog so feel free to give me some feedback or maybe even share ideas that you would be interested in knowing about.
Thanks for reading.
From my light to yours
Zoe Jack
Holistic Kinesiologist
Zode Kinesiology