Crystal Clarity - The basics of crystals for teens and adults
An Online Event You Won’t Want to Miss…
Saturday 5th February 2022
6pm - 8pm (online)
Tickets $39 +fees
Love Crystals? Unsure how to best use them? Join Zoe online to learn about CRYSTALS in hard and liquid form - What!! Yep its true. Read on!
Are you fascinated and love Crystals?
Would you like some guidance to gain the most out of your crystals?
Do you wish you had a resource to keep referring back to as you learn?
"Crystal Clarity" online workshop is for YOU!
If you’re here reading this now, the vibration of this workshop resonates with read on, book in and join Zoe Jack, Holistic Kinesiologist and Founder of Zode Kinesiology in this interactive workshop.
Crystal Clarity will give you an easy to learn journey into the world of crystals. Mixing online with likeminded people, this workshop will be a standout fun and informative event equipping you with all the tools to reap the benefits of crystals in your life. Suitable for 15 years and older. No experience needed.
If you have crystals bring them along to help raise the collective energy. If you don't have any that's OK as you will be learning how best to start your collection and you can order some from Zoe @Zode Kinesiology.
Unlike other crystal workshops we will be delving into hard form crystals AND their liquid crystal partners. We will dabble into the chakras and enjoy a crystal meditation. And close off with a detailed look at some of my absolute faves to use in clinic and at home.
What you will learn:
How to select and buy crystals
How to clean and charge them so they stay in their highest vibration
How to program them for your highest good and benefit
A brief look at crystal grids and how to lay them out
A dabble into the chakras and which crystals support them to stay balanced
A look at Liquid Crystals and how these differ from hard form crystals.
Using a crystal meditation you will also have the unique opportunity to select a liquid crystal to support you for the next month. More on this closer to the workshop.
Everyone who books in will receive:
A pdf Crystal Clarity Guide Book
A discount code for 10% off a face to face or online 90min kinesiology session.
The chance to purchase a pouch of 8 crystals and /or a liquid crystal dose bottle (Additional cost + P&H).
What to bring:
A notebook and pen
Your crystals if you have any
A happy heart & a willingness to learn
I look forward to meeting you all online soon. In the meantime have a safe and happy Holiday Season and see you in 2022 where I will hold you in my virtual hands and share my knowledge and nurture. Zoe x