Building Confidence

Low confidence can be caused by a variety of factors, including negative past experiences, lack of support or encouragement from others, unrealistic self-expectations, comparison to others, and a general feeling of inadequacy or self-doubt.

Kinesiology, along with Guided Energy Medicine work, comes into its own when working with low confidence. Getting to the root of the negative self talk through core belief work and accessing the energy of the body to build confidence from within, has seen many of my clients step into the driver’s seat of their life and create huge shifts toward following their dreams.





Listening • Understanding • Connecting • Balancing •

Zoe from Zode Kinesiology building confidence

How Kinesiology can help with building confidence.

When a client arrives with low confidence, I can see a shift that’s possible and it fills me with excitement. Many of my clients have commented, after just one session, that they feel more confident in themselves.

So how does that happen so quickly? I listen to them. I feel where they are stuck. I activate the core beliefs and emotions; allowing them to fully express themselves. By doing this we connect the dots and the person steps into a greater awareness of themselves.

Once this is achieved, we begin working with chakras, meridians, acupressure, oils, crystals and guided energy to shift the core belief and stagnation so the client connects to themselves and feels empowered by their own possibility. They create the shift themselves.

Powerful visualisations, goal setting and unconditional acceptance, allow my clients the time and space to create the life they want.

Overall, kinesiology can be a powerful tool for building confidence by improving your sense of self, movement, and body/mind awareness.

"With realization of one's own potential and self-confidence in one's ability, one can build a better world."

The Dalai Lama

What else can Kinesiology can help with?